What Is Claude 3 and What Can You Do With It?

Anthropic has unveiled Claude 3, a suite of artificial intelligence models that might derail GPT-4. It may be the next ChatGPT, but is it prepared to live up to its promise?

How Does Claude 3 Work?

Claude 3 is Anthropic’s replacement for its Claude 2 series of AI models; it is a family of three multimodal models. In comparison to OpenAI’s GPT-4 and Google’s Gemini, Claude 3 might be seen as Anthropic’s response. After Claude 2 took a giant leap forward, Anthropic released Claude 3 in three successively more intelligent iterations: Haiku, Sonnet, and Opus. Claude 3 is the first multimodal AI model from Anthropic.

I get it if you’re unfamiliar with the Claude AI chatbot. In comparison to ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini, Claude and its underlying models are not as well-known or popular. But there’s no denying that Claude is among the world’s most sophisticated AI chatbots; it even surpasses the much-touted ChatGPT in a few important respects.

In order to really grasp Claude 3, one must consider the shortcomings of earlier versions.

The previous versions of Claude were known to be too concerned with AI security. For example, the chatbot would avoid too many subjects, even ones without obvious safety risks, since Claude 2’s safety safeguards were so strict.
The model’s context window also had some problems. Imagine that when you ask an AI model to summarise a lengthy article or explain anything, it can only read a few lines at a time. Its maximum allowable amount of textual input is referred to as the “context window.” A 200k token (or 150,000 words) context window was included with earlier Claude versions. But there was just too much text for the model to process at once without losing some of it.
The problem of multimodality also arose. Nearly all of the most prominent AI models have gone multimodal, allowing them to analyse and react to visuals and other non-textual kinds of data. It was impossible for Claude to do so.
Since Claude 3’s release, all three flaws have been either fully or partially resolved.

Claude 3: What Are Its Uses?

Interface for the Claude AI chatbot
Similar to other state-of-the-art generative AI models, Claude 3 is capable of producing excellent results for a wide range of questions in diverse domains. If you need an algebra issue answered quickly, a new song composed, an in-depth essay penned, software code developed, or a huge data collection analysed, Claude 3 is the one for you.

But if the majority of AI models excel at these tasks, what’s the point of Claude 3?

The explanation is obvious: Claude 3 is the most sophisticated free-to-use multimodal AI model accessible online; it’s not simply another AI model that does well on certain tasks. The much-touted and rumoured GPT-4-killer from Google, Gemini, does really do quite well in benchmark testing. On a few of tasks, nevertheless, Anthropic asserts that Claude 3 significantly outperforms it. Although we should generally treat benchmark results with caution, I tested both AI models and found that the Claude 3 model performed far better in a number of critical use cases.

With Claude 3, you can do about everything that Gemini and GPT-4 can (apart from picture production, of course) without shelling out $20 a month for ChatGPT premium.

Match between ChatGPT and Claude 3
Claude AI logos vs. ChatGPT
One easy approach to evaluate an AI model’s efficacy is to compare it against the industry standard, GPT

Naturally, I compared the two models; how does the massive GPT-4 do versus Anthropic’s Claude 3?

The Coding Skills Battle: Claude vs. ChatGPT Claude 3 first faced a battery of programming challenges, and across the board, it was as good as, if not better than, GPT -4. In this ChatGPT vs. Claude comparison from September 2023, we evaluated the prior version of Claude on the identical tasks, and while I simply tested the fundamentals, it was noticeably less competent. For example, we gave both models the task of creating a basic to-do list app; Claude consistently failed, whereas ChatGPT performed well.

The most recent version of Claude 3 resulted in a to-do list app with superior performance in all three of our tests. This is the outcome that GPT-4 achieved when asked to build an app for to-do lists.

A to-do list app is made by ChatGPT GPT-4.

When given the identical task, Claude 3 produced the following outcome.

A task list app is created by Claude 3.
While both programmes served their purposes, Claude 3 clearly outperformed the other.

Although GPT-4 did well in some of the more difficult programming challenges, Claude ultimately proved to be the superior model in a number of instances. I don’t have enough evidence to state that Claude 3 is superior at logic programming, but I would be surprised if the gap between the two models hadn’t narrowed significantly.

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